Sunday, May 15, 2011

This weeks goals

Last weeks goals helped me do a little bit better on my running, however, I was not able to complete all of them. I am proud to tell everyone that it has been 7 days since I've had a soda! For ANYONE who knows me will tell you how awesome that is. So, to continue on in my marathon training, I will make more goals

This weeks goals are...

  1. Rest on the days that have been designated as rest days already. (Wed, Sun)
  2. Read! Running books. (This is a bigger deal than abstaining from soda from me, seriously)
  3. Eat healthier snacks.
  4. Make a running video! (FUN suggestion by a follower!! Thanks Mama K. B.)
  5. Have 20 followers.
  6. Raise the amount of time people stay on this blog to average 5-30 minutes!
  7. Take a 5 mile run.
I hope this can keep me going for this week. Stay caught up with my progress, tell your friends to join in, and comment on my posts to keep me going!! I need all the support I can get. Thank you friends!

"One day I won't be able to do this, today is not that day"
And from a personal hero

"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough." ~ Mario Andretti

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