Thursday, April 28, 2011

This program is going to start off simple. I will have a rest day on Wednesday, and Sunday each week. The reason for the set two days off is because I have seen a lot of programs that rotate which days are off, unfortunately due to my religious preferences, I am not willing to run on Sunday's. But feel free to decide any program that best suits your lifestyle.

My first week of training will start Monday May 2nd. I will start off by running two miles at a rate of 10 mins per mile or faster. This will increase after the Wed rest to three miles. Lets see how that goes for now and change if we need to.

Ideas for other 'warm-up' races

So I was talking to a co-worker the other day who is really interested in running. She gave me a few ideas of other races I could run. The list is as follows;

Deseret News 10k on July 24th
Ragnar, 12 member team with 3 assigned running legs
and she suggested running at midnight in August because there are a few races that do that.

She threw out a CRAZAY idea, at least it seemed CRAZAY to me. She told me that if I started training now then I could easily be ready for the St. George M. that is this fall. She told me that the SGM is a very fun race with a good route. I think I'm opting to us my "Phone a Friend" lifeline with this question. Do you think I should prepare for the SGM this fall? HELP!!!
To start off, I did a little bit of research and found out that in 2005, the average marathon time in the U.S. was 4 hours 32 minutes 8 seconds for men, 5 hours 6 minutes 8 seconds for women. With the type of personality that I have, I can't just settle for 'average'. I know that I will not take the blue ribbon on this, or any other marathon that I run, but I'm shooting for above average.

My first goal is to run a full marathon in 3 hours 45 mins. That is 225 mins, or an average of a 8.5 minute mile. Whoa...

My second goal is to eat right. A further description of what this all means will be detailed under the Nutrition and Diet section.

My third goal is to consistently update this blog for all of my team members to join in. This will help motivate you to keep going and work hard. Your comments will reciprocally act in the same way, and I will be motivated to continue.

These goals will change, not necessarily completely change, but will be modified. Mostly the changes will be to become more specific, and detailed according to my physical capacities. This is honestly the first time that I have even thought about writing goals for running a marathon, it took me about 17 minutes to think these out, and write them down. Don't be afraid to do the same. Writing down goals has proven to be the most effective way of accomplishing them. Write them down in the comments, and if needed, you can change them. Don't be afraid to do something like this. I'm going to, so you have permission to do so as well. Comment now!

Introduction and Call for Participants

Welcome to JABI Marathon Training!!!

My name is Kendall D. and I am new at this running business, and have decided to run a marathon. I am currently planning on training for the Salt Lake Marathon next April, but a co-worker told me that if I started training now, I could EASILY be ready for the St. George Marathon this fall. My purpose in creating this blog about my running experience is to show exactly how hard most marathon runners train, and all the preparation needed to finish a marathon. To accomplish this goal, I would like to invite everyone to join team JABI (the meaning of JABI is yet to be revealed, and will probably be done closer to the day of the race). As of right now, all you need to do to join is plan on running the SLC Marathon, 1/2 M., or 10k in 350ish days, and comment on these blog posts with your preparation activities!!! Heck, I've got a lot of international friends that may want to participate. All you have to do is plan on running any marathon, 1/2 or 10k. I've got a range of topics I will be writing on as manifest by the tabs up top. Hopefully I can also post all of my running routes that I take, (if someone knows how to do this plz help). So you can start today by writing a comment on my 'Goals' with your own goals.

Thank you in advance for all the support and posts that help encourage me to keep going!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Step 1: Just Like a Car


So this is going to start off quite slowly... You see, I'm in the middle of finishing my classes for the semester, and so I've been pretty unhealthy. I drank too much caffeine, and didn't get enough sleep, good food, water, or exercise.In fact, Tuesday night I went to the field house at the U and played a pick up basketball game. After my team won 15-13 I walked off the court huffing and puffing more than I ever have. Unfortunately I did my body some harm. BUT that will change with the right attitude and work.

STEP 1) Cut out all soda...................and drink water only.

Life will go on right?

I'm going to flood my body with a minimum of 4 Liters of water per day. I believe that this step is KEY to making sure I am on the right track for my training, and ensure that I don't get any 'stupid' or preventable injuries/ailments (i.e. dehydration, or muscle cramps). Just like a car, I need to make sure my body has the proper fluids to run smoothly.