Wednesday, August 7, 2013

InkSplasher: Luna, Delta Airlines and the Rise of the Momma Bea...

InkSplasher: Luna, Delta Airlines and the Rise of the Momma Bea...: I am trying really hard to live by Christian principles , to work the Twelve Steps , and to be a good person…but I'm struggling right n...

InkSplasher: Luna, Delta Airlines and the Rise of the Momma Bea...

InkSplasher: Luna, Delta Airlines and the Rise of the Momma Bea...: I am trying really hard to live by Christian principles , to work the Twelve Steps , and to be a good person…but I'm struggling right n...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Well, I don't have to worry about overuse injuries! ;)

So, I went running on Saturday with Meg at Sugar House Park. I didn't do as well as I had hoped there. I ran under 3 miles in 22 minutes. I am actually quite upset at this, although I was able to maintain a 7:52 average mile. I guess I shouldn't be too upset seeing as how this was on average the fastest I have run yet at 7.52 mph. I should look at the brighter side of things more often! I guess now that I've looked back on it, I was running quite well on Saturday. Anyways, I haven't really worked out since then so overuse injuries are kind of out of the question at this point in my training.

You see, I have this really nice mountain bike tha
t I let sit in the storage space provided by the apartments. I haven't used it much, but I'd like to start using it more. I started tonight. I figured it was a good exercise to stress other parts of my legs more than running does. Running is great because it is not just a leg workout, but it also incorporates many muscles in your body. It is the most encompassing workout that can be done. Biking really isolates your leg muscles.

I had a goal to bike out to the 215/80 interchange
and bike on the trail that goes by 215, but by the time I had reached 2.5 miles it was getting dark and I was ready to turn around. So I did. Maybe later I will check out the sweet trail that goes somewhere over the... (don't say it)... Mountain. Luckily my bike is equipped with a front and rear light, so it was safe to ride in the dark along Foothill Drive. I have been told that when working out it is best to push yourself so much that the last little bit (or last few reps) takes you right up to your breaking point, but not to push you past your breaking point. I was very satisfied with the last climb up Sunnyside Avenue where I felt like that was the case. I made it up the hill, and across Arapeen to our apartments without having to stop and walk my bike at all. Yes, my legs do feel like jello right now, thanks for asking.

Recently I have been reading "Born to Run"
. This book was recommended to me by my brother. There is a part in the book where the author talks about Chia Seeds as being a great source of nutrition. That's right, you heard me.... Chia as in Chi Chi Chi CHIA!!

The secret truth here is that these Miraculous Growth Seeds that seem to do everything that a little kid wants them to do in 1-2 weeks actually are quite nutritious as well. You won't have to look hard to know what I mean either. I just googled "Chia" and came up with this blog that tells more on the nutritious elements of this seed. With this little bit of knowledge acquired, I decided I'd give it a shot and buy some. I went to the Sunflower Market, and was surprised to see it in many different prices. I chose to take from the bulk bin because it was SO much cheaper, and honestly, how can the bulk seeds be any different than the more fancy bottled seeds? So I have been throwing them in smoothies that I mix up, due to their bewildering texture that they have after being properly prepared and soaked in water to enhance their nutritional value. Here's a pic of how they come.

And here are some that I have sitting in my fridge gelled up.

I think you can see some chia seeds sprouting on the bottom of my lip!

Ok, so all you followers of mine... and those that just read this once in a while, or those that have just started reading my blog for the first time... I NEED YOUR COMMENTS! I have been dismotivated by the lack of motivation! I would love to be ultramotivated by the presence of supermotivation!

Get yourself outside, run, jog, bike, or whatevs, just move, and don't forget your Chia Pet. Mine is that cow above.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Look what I found!

"The name Jabi creates the urge to be creative and original"


This post is a bit late because I decided to go watch U2 while they were in town last night instead of writing the blog.

Anyways, Tuesday morning I ate the frog! It was a big nasty one too. I woke up and assumed that it was a great day because I heard the wonderful sound of birds chirping. SO I put on what I thought was appropriate attire, and walked outside. The trial of running didn't come by waking up and getting outside, it came with the rain. I quickly decided to get a jacket on and tough it out! So I did. I ran a 3 mile loop around the zoo, and came home to get ready for the day.

I guess I should post shortly after the run to give a bit more detail huh? Welp, this is a learning experience....


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Don't let the barriers you see define what you do." Sonal Shah

Today I was supposed to wake up and go running... but I didn't.
I woke up and went to work.

After work, I got home to a ready-to-eat meal. I was really excited because this meant that I could go running sooner. So I did just that. I wasn't really excited knowing that I was going to try for my 5 mile run tonight. I thought back to my 3 mile run where I was literally hunched over gasping for air for the last 1/2 mile and wondering if I could make it. I was remembering how sore I got from the first few runs that I went on. This was a freakishly hard obstacle in my way. BUT I did it, I got out and ran. It was an amazing night for running, and my thoughts changed from dread to desire. I started off a bit slower today, but picked up the pace after a few minutes. I was enthralled with the scenery as I ran up around the zoo and back.

At about 2 1/2 miles in I started feeling a little bit more tired, but I wasn't to the point of slowing down, in fact I picked up the pace and it felt GREAT! The 3 mile mark was at the intersection of Foothill and Sunnyside and a guy on a push bike was waiting on Sunnyside for the light to turn green. As I passed this guy he simply yelled an encouraging "YES!" I responded with my own "YES!" as I felt my feet move a bit faster beneath me. Within 1/4 mile I saw some neighbors of ours and they also were quite encouraging. It was perfect timing, because what followed next was the hardest part of the run.

"A great friend knows how to take you by the hand and lift you up when you are down and if you are really lucky they will take you for a run" via twitter

Next I encountered a lot of uphill running, 155 foot climb in about 1 1/4 mile to be a bit more specific. Ok, I'll admit it... I walked for about 1 minute... It's hard climbing that much after 3 miles of running! Anyway, when I got to the top of this climb, I started to speed up again. It felt GREAT! I then finished my 5 mile run, and walked home for my cool down.

After a good run, I feel like I am capable of anything"

This is truly a personal best. I've never run more than a 5K race at one time. Now I have run 5 miles. I feel so good, I don't feel exhausted or worn out, although I do think that I will sleep quite well tonight. I hope that everyone can see that they can also do it, they can work hard and complete their physical goals! Now I need to complete the other goals that I have set.

"One day I won't be able to do this, today is not that day" via

Help keep me accountable. Give me encouragement that I can feed off of, just like the random biker I saw tonight. Comment, tell others, and follow this blog!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

This weeks goals

Last weeks goals helped me do a little bit better on my running, however, I was not able to complete all of them. I am proud to tell everyone that it has been 7 days since I've had a soda! For ANYONE who knows me will tell you how awesome that is. So, to continue on in my marathon training, I will make more goals

This weeks goals are...

  1. Rest on the days that have been designated as rest days already. (Wed, Sun)
  2. Read! Running books. (This is a bigger deal than abstaining from soda from me, seriously)
  3. Eat healthier snacks.
  4. Make a running video! (FUN suggestion by a follower!! Thanks Mama K. B.)
  5. Have 20 followers.
  6. Raise the amount of time people stay on this blog to average 5-30 minutes!
  7. Take a 5 mile run.
I hope this can keep me going for this week. Stay caught up with my progress, tell your friends to join in, and comment on my posts to keep me going!! I need all the support I can get. Thank you friends!

"One day I won't be able to do this, today is not that day"
And from a personal hero

"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough." ~ Mario Andretti